If you’re reading this, you are probably one of two types of people: a) You’ve always been a believer who is always on the lookout for angel numbers or b) You finally noticed your guardian angel sending you a message through the numbers.


If you identify as the latter, then here’s a brief of it

Angel numbers are more than just numbers. They are a means of communication, a guiding light for us humans, gifted to us by our guardian angels. More often than not, these numbers are always around us.

The number on the bus, that mailbox you happen to glance at, the plate number of the car in front of you.

We neglect to notice them most of the time, maybe because life is good, and so our angels are content to watch us from afar. But the moment things go south, I believe our guardian angels strive ten times harder to make us see the numbers.

This time, let’s talk about a specific angel number: Number 55.

What’s in a number?

A solitary number 5 stands for creativity, uniqueness, charm, intelligence, and honour. It has more good qualities attached to it, but those are some of the most prominent. Accordingly, doubling the number 5 means also doubling the impact of the factors that come with it.

Those who vibe with angel number 55 are typically suited for leader roles. They have a strong moral compass, and their intentions are usually geared towards an honourable cause.

Furthermore, their charismatic demeanour lets the people around them feel more positive and willing to cooperate. This in turn leads to a more enthusiastic and passionate group that will happily follow their leader’s example.

It may not be intentional, but people with number 55 energy are natural leaders.

Why You See It

Constantly encountering the single number 5 can mean that changes are about to come. It stands to reason that seeing angel number 55 can mean the same, but double the impact and probably more urgent.

You’re here wondering why you’re seeing the number 55 everywhere all of a sudden. It didn’t follow you before, so what changed that it now presents itself to you? There are two likely answers for your situation.

The first reason for angel number 55’s appearance is that your life has taken a turn for the worse. Instead of your usually inspired living and positive approach to your roles, you’ve taken a leap towards the negative. Maybe you lost inspiration and confidence, and this was an act of desperation.

This action might’ve led to you making poor choices as a leader or as a person, and it got so bad that you needed a double-digit intervention. In the process, you might have forgotten how extraordinary of a person you can be.

Number 55 is there to tell you that you are amazing, and it’s about time you remembered it.

The other reason is much simpler; nothing changed, and it’s time someone did something different. You have been staying stagnant for too long, and your angels are giving you the signal to do more.

Whether it’s about you finally taking your job seriously, or giving your all for a passion you’ve put in the back burner, your guardian angel is telling you to go for it.

Angel number 55 suddenly making itself prominent is your guardian angel’s way of reaching out and giving you that nudge or reminder that you so desperately need.

They are showing you that you need to brace yourself, and finally set yourself free from whatever stagnant or negative situation you’ve found yourself in.

Love with Angel Number 55

Being presented with the angel number 55 as a person seeking love can be tough. Sure, it’s fairly easy for them to initiate contact with someone they’re interested in, but they also seek out a lot of excitement and exhilaration.

This makes it hard to hold down a single relationship for a long period of time. Consequently, this also puts marriage farther into the future for those who resonate with number 55.

People with number 55’s energy do not react to “failed” relationships as typically as most people. Instead of viewing it as a loss, they see the end of a relationship as an opportunity for a new beginning.

Actually, they find “going steady” to be more daunting than the potential of breaking up with their companion. This makes it hard for them to find the perfect partner in life.

That said, this doesn’t automatically mean that they’ll always be flitting across partners, no. Angel number 55 simply says that they need to be more communicative and put in more effort towards the relationship.

They need to be able to find the excitement they are looking for with their partner, as opposed to going off on their adventures alone. When this happens, then the number 55 shows how committed of a partner they can be.

Should you trust angel numbers?

The interaction between celestial beings and mortals has never been easy, and it usually seems one-sided. You might remember yourself in times of need, praying, alone, waiting for a response that never comes.

You’re always anticipating a solid, straightforward answer to your problems, and you think they never come. Some people lose their faith because of this. But without realizing it, the signs you prayed for were always around and in front of you.

With the existence and knowledge of angel numbers, people can finally begin to understand what the angels are trying to say. It makes it easier to survive a challenge, because you know you’ll come out of the experience better and more fulfilled than you’ve ever been.

The path you take may not always be smooth, and it may even take a whole lifetime, but you know there is a reason for your suffering, and there is purpose for your life.

Our guardian angels have always tried to guide us, and we only ever needed to notice and acknowledge the help they constantly provide. They give us guidance, but the final decision still comes from us.

They have no control over our lives, and it is still up to us whether we welcome their guidance or choose to venture out on our own.

Read also : Angel Number 44