Your life is good, then all of a sudden, everything becomes high stakes, everything you do comes with significant pressure.

You could be gunning for a promotion you have no confidence for, or studying for an exam that could change your life.

Angel Number 44

Suddenly, you start seeing 44 everywhere. You glance at the time and it’s 4:44. Your grocery receipt comes up at $44 dollars. The discount tag on the little trinket you bought from a month ago?

It said $.44. You begin noticing a pattern, until you eventually realize that the number has been around you since forever, it’s not a coincidence, so how did you never notice that before?

Well, the short answer is, you didn’t need it then, but now you do.

Angel number 44 is a good sign. It means that powerful beings are urging you to pursue the path you are on; they are telling you to trust your decision.

When you keep seeing the number 44, then take it as your go signal. Go face your fears and worries head on; believe that your angel is with you on the journey.

When the angel number that shows up is 44, then you’ve got to prepare yourself. It means that you’re about to go through one heck of a long ride.

Long as the journey might take, trust in your angel that it will definitely be worth it.

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Angel Number 44, what is it?

Angel number 44 is also sometimes called the “Master Healer”. It symbolizes ability, success, wisdom, and willpower, amongst other qualities.

People who are shown this number are those who will need a longer time to mature, but if you persevere through it, then it will prove to be worth your while.

It is important for people who resonate with the number 44 to learn how to maintain balance.

They need to incorporate and keep this balance throughout all the aspects of their life; whether it be their physical or mental health, balance must be sustained.

Angel Woman

This balance is what will provide them with the ability to endure the hardships that are sure to come their way.

44 is called a Master Healer because those who identifies with it have a great inclination to help or heal others; they are those who have a proclivity towards creating an impact.

They can come in the form of doctors, lawyers, even engineers and CEOs. With such high profile, high stress jobs, a healthy lifestyle is a must for those who see number 44.


Destiny and Secret Meanings

Those who are followed by the angel number 44 tend to end up in powerful positions. These people are also gifted with a strong intuition, and it is in their best interest to always pay attention and trust their gut.

They will know when to stop and when to persist. With the great connection to number 44, they should trust their instincts when it tells them to remove themselves from difficult situations.

Number 44 people have a strong ability to influence people, an ability that can be either a natural talent or a honed skill.

Usually, their ability to influence is based on their good nature, like those previously mentioned. They are a determined bunch, wise and resolute about their goals and intents.

Click here to check out the spiritual meaning of angel number 1212.



However, with every positive comes a negative. Their long journey towards success can sometimes take a turn for the worse, and instead of gaining positive wisdom and a healthy mindset, they become obsessed.

This obsession with wealth and success can come as a result of the lack of balance. Which is why those who resonate with angel number 44 are advised to take things slowly but surely.

There is no need for urgency towards your eventual success. If you’re drawn to the number 44, then you are destined for greatness.

Do not rush yourself, and maintain a steady pace and balance to keep yourself on the path towards goodness.