The world is full of untold wonders. We’ve barely scratched the surface of possibilities within our realm, so it’s not entirely impossible to think that there are things in the world that we cannot fully comprehend, magic and mystery beyond our understanding.

One such mystery is of the Divine. Beings like gods and angels are so far from our reach, and because of this, we humans can’t help but marvel and wonder at their glory.

We can only ever hope to experience basking in their eternal light.

The experience in itself might be impossible for most people, but there are still ways for us mortals to communicate with these celestial beings.

88 Angel Number

Most people do it through prayers, and most of the time, these prayers are a one-way conversation.

But some people believe that our angels, our guardian angels, try to respond to our cries for help. They’ve been with us all through our life, and have always tried to guide us towards goodness.

They actively try to get their message across, in order to help us more effectively.

Which poses the question, how do they do it? Well, sometimes they can reach out in our dreams. More commonly though, they do it through the angel numbers.

Seeing Number 88

Seeing Number 88

Angel numbers are wonderful things. They show up right when we need them most.

Whether they’ve always been there or not is up for debate, but I think it’s our angels’ way of showing us exactly what we need.

What should you do when you see an angel number? You should heed its advice.

Try to decipher exactly what the message contains, and these messages depend on what number you are presented with.

Take for instance, angel number 88.

You should consider yourself incredibly lucky when you’re presented with the angel number 88.

The double eight bodes well for its receivers, as all its aspects are magnified by its duality.

If you notice angel number 88’s constant appearance in your life, particularly in times of struggle, then take it was an auspicious sign of relief.

Your burdens will soon be eased, so diligently keep doing what you need to do. It is also worth mentioning that angel number 88 is a sign of great financial improvement.

Seeing this number means you need to keep it up with a positive pace, because your goal is finally within reach. Your dreams are about to become reality, and this is the final stretch of your struggles.

Angel 88

What Does It Mean?

As is the case with other angel numbers, the repeating digits in angel number 88 shows an amplified power.

All the traits that the single number 8 has is doubled in this case, and is added to the existing characteristics of angel number 88.

Angel number 8 alone signifies power, patience, ambition, wisdom, wealth, success, among a bunch of other positive characteristics. The impact of these traits is magnified with the double numbers.

This is then added to the feature most associated with people who resonate with angel number 88: being incredibly business-minded.

Being business-minded, in angel number 88’s case, means having an analytical mind that enables the person to efficiently and strategically plan for his goal.

Whether it involves making contingencies or backup plans is for the person to decide. This number is merely saying that they are capable of handling the adversities that come their way.

These traits are what makes people who resonate with the number 88 incredibly good leaders, especially because they also have a good sense of justice. 

They naturally gain followers because of their attitude towards fairness, not to mention their very efficient approach in life.

This angel number comes with the intuition and wit that ensures a successful life for those who follow its guidance.

Angel Number 88 And Love

Angel Number 88 and Love

It’s hard to dictate what angel number 88’s role is in love. In most cases, it would depend solely on what chapter of the relationship the person is in.

If you’re still on the lookout for your special person, an encounter with angel number 88 is what you need. It is showing you a new beginning about to come, so be on guard because your soulmate might be near.

However, if you’ve recently hit a rocky path in your existing relationship, then angel number 88 is telling you that it’s time to call it quits.

You and your partner are just not adding anything to each other anymore. If you continue this relationship, especially against the guidance of your guardian angels, then it could only lead to more heartache for you, until it eventually leads to a breakup.

Trust that your angels know the best path, and so if they’re sending you a signal to move forward, whether it’s toward or away a relationship, it’s in your best interest to follow their guidance.

Ultimately, it is still your choice. Our guardian angels can only do so much guiding, but the decision to be made will always be left in our hands.