I’m sure that everyone here knows the meaning of the angel number 666 in reference to the bible. It is the number of the demon, and for many just seeing this number elicits a cold chill down  their spine.

What’s a little less known is that there are other meanings to this number than El Diablo.

According to numerologists, each individual is under the protection of their respective guardian angel who looks out for them every second of every day of their entire life. Through various methods, their purpose is to communicate, protect, and warn those that they protect.

One popular method is known as angel numbers or angel numerology, which aims to provide individuals with some insight into the divine world. One example of a powerful but unusual angel number is 666

666 Angel Number

Just as one recognizes patterns, seeing the number 666 repeatedly may be a sign, for example,  to pay attention to one’s thoughts.

It may provide clarity that any fear or worry about one’s  job, relationship, or future may be unfounded. Therefore, you should force it out of your mind. 

The human mind is more powerful than most people think, and it can attract the things that people constantly think about. Therefore, you need to focus on positive things to attract positive energy.

Keep your energy and thoughts focused on achieving your desires and accomplishing your mission in life. 


What Does Angel Number 666 Mean in Numerology?

In angel numerology, the angel number 666 is actually just based on the number 6. The repetition of 6, which forms 666, can mean a call to shift your focus towards your spirituality.

It can be a sign to use your thoughts to find solutions to problems in your professional and personal life. According to numerologists, your guardian angels are always listening; therefore, you should feel free to tell them about your fears.

They are always waiting to help. When you keep seeing this angel number, you should open yourself up to receive and understand these messages.

However, you should also analyze your thoughts and reassess any areas of your life that may be out of balance. When you see this number, your angels are trying to inform you that everything in your life should feel light and right.

If you want to understand this angel number to its full potential, consider your own personal ethics, and if your value system has been compromised for something external.

The universe and your guardian both respect individuals who place a premium on their own values. Those who tend to go against their personal morals in favor of a bigger pay day, tend to be out of balance and see this number more often.

Angel Number 66

Why This Angel Number Shouldn’t be Scary to See

According to numerologists, most people wrongly associate the angel number 666 with the occult, devil, bad luck, negativity, and darkness.

In Christianity, 666 is the number of the beast. Therefore, many people feel terror when they see this number. 

In numerology, this should not be the case. Numerology looks at the numbers 1-9 and if they happen to repeat or not is another story. For instance, Angel number 77: The angel number 7 carries the message of incoming luck and prosperity. The additional 7 simply means that you are carrying an extra amount of that energy with you.

In numerology, you should understand that when your guardian angel sends you the number 666, they are trying to tell you that your thoughts are not aligned. Therefore, it is a wakeup call to get them in order and understand what you are putting too much value on.

It also calls for believers to trust their intuition and what their inner voices are trying to tell them. Guardian angels are there to lead their charges in the right direction.

If you keep seeing this angel number, therefore, you should feel grateful. Without it, you might not realize that you are harboring negative thoughts. 

In the discipline of numerology, the number 666 is not negative or diabolical at all. It simply means that you must get rid of any uncertainties or fear you may be harboring to attract positive energy. 

It is a sign that you need to start taking care of your spiritual, emotional, and physical being to clear your thoughts and make them more positive. 

Angel Number 6

Angel Number 666 and how it relates to Balance

Your guardian angels want you to have joy and excitement in your life. They also want you to achieve fulfillment in every area of your life.

When this angel number appears to you regularly, your angels may be trying to inform you that you are out of balance. When you lose balance in your life, you will find yourself obsessing on a specific area of your life to try and find purpose from it.

Consequently, you will lose sight of the bigger picture. To find real happiness and fulfillment, you must replace your uncertainty and fear with the knowledge that your guardian angels are with you. 

Seeing this angel number regularly is an indication that you need to avoid fearful thoughts and focus your thoughts on positive outcomes. Think about how you can help others, just like your guardian angels are always thinking of ways to help you. 

Your guardian angels always communicate with you through numerology. They send you subtle messages to your problems and questions.

In addition to angel number 666, other common angel numbers with powerful meanings and symbolism related to balance in numerology include angel number 55, angel number 1212, and angel number 44.

Angel Number 666 Is not a beast

Angel Number 666 and Attachment, Addiction, or Fear

If your life is out of balance or you are in an unhealthy relationship, you need to watch out for angel number 666. The reason it might appear is that your guardian angels have been observing you and can see that you lost your balance.

They want you to know that they are willing and ready to guide you back to your inner peace. 

They also want you to know that you have the power to let go of your addiction, whatever it might be, and shift your perspective and thoughts more positively.

If you are seeing angel number 8 as well, this means that you are overdoing something. Angel number 8: It is the number of infinity, and relates to something you may have in abundance.

You do not need to worry if this does not happen instantly. It will take some time and effort on your part to overcome your addictions. You simply need to be aware of the meaning of this angel number and trust that your guardian angels will guide you.

Once you are ready to let go of those circumstances and people in your life who are dragging you down, seeing this angel number means that new positive events, people, and circumstances are on the way. 

Seeing An Angel

3 Reasons why you keep Seeing Angel Number 666

Seeing this 3-digit number all the time might mean that there is an imbalance in certain areas of your life. In other words, your thoughts are not aligned with the universe.

It is a wake-up call to start analyzing your current way of thinking or your current situation to boost your positive vibrations.

However, it is also important to understand why this number keeps appearing everywhere you look. In other words, you need to contemplate what it means to you.

To help you explore its meaning, consider these reasons and spiritual meanings of why you are constantly coming across this angel number. 


First Meaning

  • First meaning: You need to align your thoughts with the universe 

All life, including humans, is made up of carbon. Six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons make up carbon; therefore, in their material form, humans represent the number 666.

In numerology, to accomplish something in this material world, people are made into a physical form.

Essentially, you came into this physical world to grow and develop yourself, in addition to benefitting all life on earth. Whatever you do, you need to understand that it has a ripple effect on other people’s lives.

Therefore, you should take care of your words and actions. 

By being a human being, you are a spiritual entity in this material world. As a human, you are prone to complex thoughts and decisions. When you keep seeing angel number 666 repetitively, it is a message from your guardian angels that you need to balance your thoughts.

You need to understand that thoughts become words, which in themselves have high energy vibrations that create the reality surrounding you.

When you use your thoughts with positive feelings, your thoughts and actions will create a positive reality for you. Without actions though, your thoughts cannot turn into reality. 

Dream Big

Second Meaning

  • Second meaning: Dream big and remember your true divine nature

When you put too much focus on the seemingly unimportant things of this material world, you will likely come across angel number 666.

The message your guardian angel is trying to impart is that you are more than what you own. You have infinite possibilities thanks to the fact that you are an infinite being; therefore, there is no limit to your achievement potential.

You simply need to start by dreaming big about who you want to become and what you want to accomplish. Most importantly, you should ensure that your dreams are about your positive contribution to the world.

As you discover your passion and make big dreams, do not let failure stand in your way. You should use it to develop your skills further and reassess yourself to do better next time.

Failure allows you to grow as a person. In other words, let it refine you, rather than define you. 

Everyone came into this world for a reason. You came with the unique skills and talents needed to accomplish something great in this world. Therefore, it is your responsibility to identify your skills and talents and how to use them for a positive purpose.

When you keep coming across the number 666, remember that it may be a message for you to start dreaming big to reach your full potential. 

Transform Your Life

Third Meaning

  • Third meaning: Use positive thinking to transform your life

This angel number may be a message that your daily thoughts are illusions based on the worries and fears of this physical world. If you want to improve your life, you first need to improve yourself on the inside.

If you want to have a better love life for example, you simply need to work towards becoming a better version of yourself. You need to fall in love with who you are to awaken the love within you.

Consequently, by awakening this inner love you will experience and attract more romantic love in your relationships. 

In other words, by changing your inner world, you will boost your positive vibrations to create what you want. Amazing things will manifest due to the positivity from your thoughts.

Since you are the architect of your life, you should ensure that you are knowingly creating what you want. This will require you to choose and command your thoughts carefully. 

The next time you come across this angel number, it may be a sign that you need to raise your positive vibrations by having positive thoughts. Remember that your direction in life will always depend on your attitude and outlook on it.

Saw An Angel

What Should I Do if I See Angel Number 666?

When you see angel number 666, you need to remember that if you want to create a more positive world, you simply need to start with your thoughts and words.

In a certain way, you are responsible for almost everything that happens in your life. This is because you constantly work in conjunction with the creative forces of the universe

People tend to believe attachments such as objects, relationships, and feelings are all positive. The truth, however, is that spending too much time and energy focusing on a single aspect of your life will push you off balance.

Therefore, your guardian angels are using the number 666 to send you a message to reanalyze your life to bring you back to balance. 

The meaning and symbolism behind this angel number vary depending on the specific resources. If you keep seeing this number everywhere you go all the time, you might think that the devil is stalking you.

In numerology, however, this number yields positive vibrations that can give people positive outcomes in life. Angel number 666 is a symbol of your intelligence and ability to use your imagination to achieve positive outcomes.

Therefore, when you keep coming across it, you should feel encouraged and stop doubting yourself. Do not fear or avoid opportunities because you think you are not intelligent or good enough.