Numbers are one of the inescapable things in life. From the moment we are born, numbers immediately take hold.

With birthdays, anniversaries, deadlines, and currencies, numbers have become a thing that are always just there.

Another thing that did not escape the grip of numbers is religion. Numbers play a great role in religious faiths and activities, and the belief in guardian angels is one such thing.

A lot of us, from childhood, have been taught to pray to our guardian angels. Even in adulthood, some of us can still recall the phrase “Angel of God, my guardian dear.”

111 Angel Number

Some people choose to deviate from their original religions and opt to subscribe to a different faith or renounce beliefs altogether.

But even if you now identify with being an atheist, a Buddhist, or some other religion, your angels do not simply abandon you.

They will still remain beside you, ready to guide and guard you through life.

They have many ways of doing this, some more grand than others. Physical manifestations are not common anymore, and are usually just seen in scriptures.

The most typical method of communication between angels and humans are through prayers and the angel numbers.


A Brief on Angel Numbers

If you’re new to this discussion, then you are probably wondering, what are angel numbers?

These are the numbers that constantly appear in our lives, and they all hold a significant message that will affect us. Some are dismissive of these numbers, thinking they are just the product of coincidence.

But even though the numbers do not require direct attention to take effect, it is still important to know when they are present and to understand them, in order to be able to make a conscious effort towards improving your life.

Angel Number 1

Dissecting Angel Number 111

As is the case in most religions, numbers are more than just a simple figure. In this case, we are talking about the angel number 111.

It’s already an established fact amongst believers that the number 1 is the most prominent and important angel number there is.

It signifies a new beginning and opportunity. Sometimes, it means a second chance, something that a lot of people would appreciate.

Angel number 1 also shows uniqueness, inspiration, and achievements. Qualities that are important factors for success.

Another important thing to consider is the meaning of angel number 11. It symbolizes the need to understand your destiny. It is telling you to embrace truth and enlightenment, in order to achieve your ultimate goals.

Combining the meanings of the digits involved results in a message that says you need to step up and lead when the opportunity presents itself.

Do not settle in following the footsteps of other people. Instead, carve out your own path, because that is the path that will lead you to great success.


Is This Your Angel Number?

The tripled digits in angel number 111 shows an amplified impact to those who resonate with it.

Its main interpretation is best summarized in a quote by Oprah Winfrey, “What we dwell on is what we become.”

Therefore, if you harbor negative thoughts and intentions, it will be reflected onto your life.

That is why angel number 111 comes with a caution. Your angels are telling you to let go of all the heaviness, because those will only become a burden that will eventually drag you down. 

You should put in the effort to create and maintain a positive outlook, so that only positivity is manifested into your life.

When you suddenly start noticing the angel number 111 around you, it means you need to become more careful of your thoughts.

Don’t focus on your fears and apprehensions, because the energy that you devote to that will cause it to turn into reality, which isn’t really something anyone would want.

Pay attention to what you’re really passionate about and divert your energy into what you want out of life. If your desire is to help other people, then funnel all your energy into that, instead of dwelling on the regrets and what ifs of your past.

The angels are also encouraging you to use the energy of intuition and knowledge derived from the tripled blessing of angel number 1. This power will allow you to mold your thoughts into what you want it to be. 

Angel Number 111 and Relationships

Angel Number 111 and Relationships

Like I said, this angel number, specifically number 1, signals to a new beginning. This could translate into a new connection being formed or a new chapter for your existing relationships.

If you’re currently in an unhappy or unmoving relationship, then being presented with angel number 111 means that it’s time to move forward, without your partner. This may cause a massive heartbreak for both parties, but in the end, it is the only solution to your dilemma.

Neither of you will be able to actualize your goals if you continue to settle in a less-than-ideal partnership. It’s better for you both if you accept this and part ways. Appreciate the lessons you learned from each other, then make room for new people in your lives.

But if you’re currently searching for a companion, intentionally or not, then avoid reminiscing the bad experiences you’ve been through with your exes.

If you focus on how you were jilted by your past lovers, then it is likely that you will project that onto whatever new partner you find.

New Partner

Even if they never actually commit a transgression against you, you’ll still be stuck repeating the toxic cycle of your past if you continue to ruminate on the negatives.

This doesn’t mean that all negative feelings should be ignored. Keeping your thoughts to yourself, especially if it’s eating at your peace of mind, will only land you in another messy situation. 

Rather, these things should be talked about, until you figure out a solution to the problem.

Pour all your energy into positivity. This is the ultimate message of angel number 111. This encompasses your whole existence, including your love life.

It may be too cliché to say, but positive thoughts are the key to a healthy relationship.

Read also : 88 Angel Number